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Antique Map of Central America by: Pinkerton 1811 : nwcartographic.com

1811 Spanish Dominions in North America. Southern Part.

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By: John Pinkerton and L. Herbert

Date: 1811 (Published) London

Dimensions: 21 x 27.5 inches (53.3 cm x 70 cm)

This hand colored antique map published by Pinkerton was drawn by L. Hebert and engraved by Neele in the early 19th century, and covers the area from southern Mexico to Panama.

Large format maps of Central America which include extensive details such as this one are relatively scarce. When the atlas was published, it was considered one of the finest of its day and was said to have been based on information from the latest and best authorities, exhibiting the various divisions of the world with its chief empires, kingdoms and states and taken from the most authentic sources.

The territory depicted is minutely detailed, showing the location of mines, farms and all topographical features. Relief is shown by hachures. Areas at sea containing shoals, which proved a hazard to explorers’ ships, are shown in great detail. One region is called ‘Shake Off Sleep’. Reefs and rocks that are sometimes submerged are also depicted. The map presents a remarkable picture of the major watersheds and the volcanoes that pepper the region. It is remarkably delineated, providing much need information to explorers, merchant ships, tradespeople, etc., of the day.

Condition: This map is in B condition with some centerfold separation extending into the body of the map from the top and bottom. Separations have been mended with archival material on the verso.

Inventory #10735

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