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Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique Du Chili.

1825 Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique Du Chili.

Regular price $ 175.00

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By: Jean Alexandre Buchon

Date: 1825 (Published) Paris

Dimensions: 18 x 24 inches (46 cm x 61 cm)

This handsome antique map by Buchon depicts Chile and what was known of it to Westerners in 1825. The coastline is described in detail, including ports, at countless river deltas, whether large or small. There appear to be ports at virtually each of the more northern deltas, i.e., the northern half of the country. Dangerous rocky shoals are denoted by crosses, as is an outcropping of rocks some distance offshore. The Andes are beautifully detailed, with all the mountain chain’s volcanoes denoted and named.

Buchon based his work on Carey & Lea's famous 1822-3, "A complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American Atlas", however Buchon's work incorporated the latest geographical information of the day.

The work is hand colored, and surrounded on three sides by text in French which describes the history of Chile, its landscape, climate, minerals, important routes and mountain passes, military organizations, religion, etc. Chile’s commerce is described, as is the history of the government. The work is hand colored, and surrounded on three sides by text in French which describes the history of Chile, its landscape, climate, minerals, routes, military organizations, religion, etc. One pass through the Andes which leads directly to Santiago is included. Commerce is described as is the history of the government.

Condition: This map is in A condition, with very minor even toning.

Inventory #19634

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