1860 Karte des Grossherzogthums Hessen Provinz Starkenburg und Rheinhessen
By: Adolph Hügel
Date: 1860 (circa) Darmstadt
Dimensions: 22.75 x 19 inches (57.8 x 48.3 cm)
This linen-backed folding map was created toward the end of the coalition known as the German Confederation. The Confederation was created at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 for the purpose of managing tariffs and economic policies, and consisted of more than thirty German-speaking sovereign states in central Europe. Though dissolved briefly, it was reinstated and remained a unifying force until its dissolution in 1866. This highly detailed map focuses on the Provinces of Starkenburg and Rheinhessen.
Condition: This folding map with linen backing is in A condition. An embossed royal seal is in the loser center of the map.
Inventory #12607
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