A small but fantastical drawing, known today as the Sawley Map, was used by a 12th-century theologian to illustrate his historical chronicle, The Picture of the World. Based on intertwining classical and biblical views of the world, it is one of the earliest known English mappa mundi to have survived to this day. Drawn on vellum and oval in shape, it shows the known world of Asia, Europe, and Africa surrounded by water. The map measures about 11.8 x 7.9 inches (30 x 20 cm) and is embellished with four winged angels in the corners of the vellum page. It was penned by Honorius Augustodunensis, also known as Henry of Mainz.
Artistic and Geographic Details
Beautifully illustrated and colored, the map depicts seas in green and numerous rivers in pale violet, while red ridges represent surface relief. Its illustrations, along with over two hundred annotations, reflect both classical and Christian sources. However, its primary influence and emphasis are obviously biblical in nature, even though the Greek island of Delos and the Mediterranean Sea itself, rather than Jerusalem, are at the map’s center.
Intertwining World Views
The complex relationship between classical and biblical worldviews strongly influenced the evolving Christian world of Western Europe in the early centuries following conversion. The Sawley Map showcases this complexity in sharp detail, featuring information from myriad historical sources, including the Bible, Greek mythology, adventure tales, and ancient cosmographies from various parts of the world. Contemporary cities are often depicted alongside biblical ones, resulting in a curious and interesting amalgam of worldviews.
Centrality and Remoteness
The map is organized according to ideas of centrality and remoteness. For example, Britain and the monasteries of Egypt are placed at the edges of the map, denoting their relative lack of importance to the general theme of developing Christian civilizations at the time. The map is oriented east, with the Garden of Eden at the top. The Tower of Babel is depicted, as are the Cyclades of mythological fame. The city of Corinth represents both worldviews: one reminiscent of its great importance in pagan antiquity, and the other of its importance in New Testament times when it was a focal point of the missionary efforts of Paul the Apostle. Scylla and Charybdis from Greek mythology are noted, as are the territories of some of the Tribes of Israel, such as Ephraim, Simeon, and Asher, forming counterpoints to each other.
Geographical Features and Christian Potentates
The Ebro River, on whose banks the historical city of Zaragoza sits in northern Spain, is referenced, suggesting the map’s author was knowledgeable about the activities of its well-known Christian potentate, Alfonso I. In 1118, Alfonso and his troops marched upon and seized the city known as the ‘Capital of the Ebro,’ effectively ending its four centuries of Muslim rule. Other rivers such as the Ganges, Nile, Euphrates, and Tigris are all denoted, and the Jordan is depicted flowing into the Sea of Galilee. The Oxus (Amu Darya) is shown flowing into the Caspian Sea.
Major rivers of Europe are also included, with the Danube system shown in detail as the river makes its way to the Black Sea. The Po, Tiber, Rhone, and Loire are featured and named, though the Rhine, though denoted, is not. Topographical features include the Alps, Pyrenees, and Atlas Mountains, along with many others that are depicted but not named.
Architectural and Religious Elements
Architectural edifices are found throughout the map, including fortifications, castles, and a large basilica in Jerusalem. Countless toponyms are easily identifiable, including Rome, Constantinople, the Hellespont, and Thrace. The great wall surrounding the toponym Gog and Magog is easily distinguishable, and even the territory of the Amazons in Asia Minor is labeled. Roman provinces are denoted throughout the map, from Constantinople across Europe to the tip of the Iberian Peninsula.
Christian Themes and Symbolism
While classical and antique influences are evident throughout the map, its overall character is decidedly Christian. The Holy Land is organized according to Old Testament and other Hebrew history. The rise and spread of Christianity are clearly demonstrated, with depictions of monasteries in Egypt and a Benedictine monastery in Hungary, known as the birthplace of St. Martin of Tours. One of the largest structures shown in Europe is featured in an unnamed city in Galicia, which is undoubtedly Santiago de Compostela.
Interpretations and Significance
The map has been interpreted as a representation of the history of Christianity, its current status at the time of its creation, and its future. The four angels on the map are believed to reference St. John’s Book of Revelation. The upper left angel points directly at Gog and Magog, while the others announce the rewards of the righteous, the fall of Babylon, and the judgment of sinners who have chosen to follow the beast.
As with many medieval mappae mundi, the Sawley Map is located at the beginning of the manuscript, serving not only as an introduction to the text but also as an encyclopedic image designed to independently inform and remind its readers of the historical worldviews it contains. Its content reveals much about the knowledge, beliefs, and philosophies of its maker and predecessors. Like other early maps, the Sawley Map offers a fascinating glimpse into the mentality of early medieval thinkers and the role of such maps in society and the development of Christian culture in Europe.