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Antique Map of San Clemente Island, California. by: U.S. Coast Survey, 1856

1856 Reconnaissance of The S.E. End of San Clemente Island

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By: James Alden with Hydrographic Party

Date: 1856 (dated) New York

Dimensions: 12.25 x 18.75 inches (31.12 x 47.63 cm)

This is a rare lithographed reconnaissance chart plotting the southeast end of San Clemente Island. The map was published by the United States Coast Survey and is based on hydrographic surveys under the direction of Lieutenant James Alden, U.S. Navy.

The map features a lovely profile view of the steep front side of the Island, which is about seventy miles off the San Diego coast. Depth soundings and a detailed tide table are provided. The map locates large areas of kelp and shows bottom conditions and water depths. A large compass rose give the magnetic variation.

This is an important, hard to find chart which was published within a few years after the government had begun its systematic mapping of the California coast.

Condition: This map is in A condition with a fine overall image on clean, bright paper.

Inventory #11571

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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