1875 McNally's System of Geography
Date: 1875 (published) Chicago
Dimensions: 12 x 9.75 inches
This is a fine example of McNally's System of Geography by: Francis McNally, published by A.S. Barmes & Co. in 1875. This atlas was made for schools, academies, and seminaries to teach students about geography and the world they live in during the latter part of the 19th century.
Geographical definitions and lessons are included throughout the book as well as useful information pertaining to each map. Several maps include a cross section of the of the country and/or continent sowing elevation change with major mountains labeled with their altitude above sea level. In the latter half of the atlas extensive tables show population numbers of countries, states, and cities. At the end of the atlas is an exciting section on how to draw maps.
Condition: Atlas is in C+ condition with wear to the outside covers and lower portion of the spine. All maps are still completely bound into the atlas with some foxing but nice original color.
Inventory #11520