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1708 L'Asie dressée sur les observations de l'Acadamie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres, et sur les memoires les plus recen

1708 L'Asie dressée sur les observations de l'Acadamie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres, et sur les memoires les plus recen

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By: Guillaume Delisle / Peter Schenk

Date: 1708 (Published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 17.5 x 23 inches ( 44.45 cm x 58.42 cm)

This is an authentic, antique map of Asia which was created by Peter Schenk and published in 1708.

The map is an update of Guillaume Delisle’s map of Asia, which was published in 1700. Delisle’s earlier map is notable for the various inaccuracies that it contains. It omits vast swathes of Eastern Russia and also makes prominent errors concerning Japan. Specifically, it incorrectly displays the Japanese island of Hokkaido (labeled Terre d’Yeco) as connected to Japan and mainland Asia and also includes the fictitious Terre de la Compagnie to the east of Japan.

Shenck’s 1708 publication attempts to make improvements on Delisle’s map. Schenk attempts to fill in much of Eastern Russia, although he does so inaccurately. Much of Eastern Russia is still missing and there is a mountain chain which is erroneously shown to extend into the Pacific.

Shenck also makes minor improvements around Japan. His map shows separation between Hokkaido and mainland Asia. But he continues the errors of Delisle by connecting Hokkaido to Japan and by including Terre de la Compagnie.

Condition: This map is in B condition, with a small tear in the lower right corner of the image and some minor foxing around the edges.

Inventory #18944

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