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1724 Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar

1724 Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar

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By: François Valentyn

Date: 1724 (published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 20 x 23.2 inches (51 cm x 59 cm)

This map is a crisp impression which extends from Dabul and Bhimilipatnam in the north to the southern tip of India as well as the northern part of Ceylon as far south as Batticaloa (“Baticalo”). Mountains are prominently indicated as well as regional political designations such a “’t Ryk van Mangaloor,” and “’t Ryk van Tansjouwer.” Coastal towns are detailed and interior roads are shown along the Coromandel Coast and up to Golconda (Hyderabad).

Condition: The map is in excellent condition displaying a strong impression on clean paper. Toning around edges.

Inventory #19232

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