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1860 Plan of New York

1860 Plan of New York

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By: Samuel Augustus Mitchell Jr.

Date: 1860 (Published) Philadelphia

Dimensions: 11 x 9.25 inches (22.9 cm x 23.5 cm)

Description: This authentic hand-colored antique map from Mitchell’s New General Atlas depicts the city of New York starting at 45th street in the north and extending to Governor’s Island and the Buttermilk Channel of Brooklyn in the south. Railroads and central squares of the city are noted as is one ‘Orphan Asylum’ located in the lower forties.

The waterfront is rendered in great detail with ferries’ routes, jetties, wharves, docks and piers clearly defined. Of interest are the various places where Mitchell notes the distance in yards between Manhattan and the cities on either side of the rivers, at one point a mere 636 yards.

Condition: This print is in A condition with light toning around the edges.

Inventory #19089

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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