1779 Palestinae Sive Terrae Promissionis in duodecim Tribus partitae Facies Vetus…
By: John Blair
Date: 1779 (Published) London
Dimensions: 16.6 x 22 inches (42 x 55.9 cm)
This map by John Blair depicts the lands at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, including Palestine, what is modern day Israel, part of Egypt to the south and Syria to the north. Blair calls Israel ‘The Promised Land’, and within its boundaries he details not only topography and geography including cities, mountains, rivers and lakes, but the territories occupied by each of the tribes of Israel as well.
The map was included in Blair’s atlas, a fascinating oeuvre which was created for and dedicated to Augusta, Princess Dowager of Wales, in 1799. Blair’s aim was to provide an accurate chronology and history of the world from its creation to the year of Christ 1779, for it was his belief that too much time attention were being was on the study and discussion of historical events without a proper chronological framework in which to place them.
Another aim of Blair’s atlas was to provide such a framework in order to facilitate better understanding of historical annals. In addition to providing chronology, the atlas provides copious amounts of historical information divided into categories such as ‘Remarkable Events of Sacred History’, all of which are discussed in considerable detail. These divisions are further broken down to enumerate specific people, including kings, statesmen, warriors and men of learning.
Inventory #11409
Condition: This map is in A condition. Beautiful hand coloring with even toning.
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