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1920 Rand McNally Detailed Auto Trails Map of San Francisco and Vicinity

1920 Rand McNally Detailed Auto Trails Map of San Francisco and Vicinity

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By: Rand McNally

Date: 1920 (circa)

Dimensions: 24.5 x 17.5 inches (62.25 x 44.5 cm).

This is a nice map San Francisco and its surrounding areas showing all methods of land transportation. An explanation in the lower lef corner of the map includes paved roads main travel roads common roads railroads electric railways county lines rivers and streams. Geographical detail is also shown throughout the map. This is a nice early Rand McNally map perfect for anyone with ties to the San Francisco area of California.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with very minor fold separations.

Inventory #18375

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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