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Authentic Antique Map of Kamchatka, Russia: Carte du Kamtchatka Dressee et Gravee par Laurent  By: Jacques Nicholas Bellin  Date: 1757 (published) Paris

1757 Carte du Kamtchatka Dressee et Gravee par Laurent

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By: Jacques Nicholas Bellin

Date: 1757 (published) Paris

Dimensions: 20 x 12 inches (50.8 x 30.5 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The map was engraved by J. Laurent and published by Jacques Bellin out of Paris in 1757.

This striking map of the Kamchatka peninsula displays an incredible amount of detail within the interior. Though not all of the information was very accurate, it was the most detailed map of the region of its time. Names are given to numerous streams, rivers and lakes while the rest of the area is filled with topographic detail. The map includes the island of Ouiakous Atch ou Anfinogen, Schoumctchou, and Sirinki ou Dilkon.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition, with a strong impression, good margins, and some minor repair on the verso to some fold intersections.

Inventory #18913

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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