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1756 - 1783 Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Villages et Etablissements Francois et Anglois Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de l'Anglois…(Lower lower left quarter only)

1756 - 1783 Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Villages et Etablissements Francois et Anglois Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de l'Anglois…(Lower lower left quarter only)

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By: John Mitchell / Georges Louis Le Rouge

Date: 1756 - 1783 (published) Paris

Dimensions: 27.9 x 39 inches (70.8 x 99 cm)

This is the lower left quarter of the Le Rouge or French edition of Dr. John Mitchell’s important map of the British and French dominions in North America. The map is highly regarded as one of the most important maps in American history. It was the map on which the borders of the newly recognized United States were plotted at the conclusion of the American Revolution. The Mitchell would also serve as the map of record in the early days of the Republic, as it was used for various treaty negotiations and border disputes. The information from the western quadrants of Mitchell’s map led Meriwether Lewis up the Marias River to determine the northern reaches of the Missouri River basin.

The portion of the map currently offered shows the area from Cape Canaveral in Florida to the mouth of the Santee River in North Carolina, then northward to Southeastern Pennsylvania. The map extends as far west to present day Texas and then north to the central plains region, where very little was known about the natives and topography of the area. This section of the map shows the British Colonial claims of Virginia, both Carolinas, and Georgia extending beyond the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. Principal roads, important cities and towns, as well as Native American villages are noted throughout the map. Notes regarding tribal powers including the Six Nations near the confluence of the Missouri and Ohio Rivers are given in great detail. This is an excellent piece of American history with pertinent information from the pre-Revolutionary era to the early days of western discovery and expansion.

Condition: Map is in B condition, with traces of light damp staining, original outline color and a few areas of separation along the folds, most notably in the western portion of the map.

Inventory #18914

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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