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1751 Le Royaume D' Ecosse divise en Shires ou Comtes

1751 Le Royaume D' Ecosse divise en Shires ou Comtes

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By: Robert De Vaugondy

Date: 1751 (published) Paris

Dimensions: 22.5 x 19 inches (57.15 x 48.25 cm)

This is a handsome map of Scotland colored by county with cities towns harbors rivers mountains and other various place names delineated throughout. Antoine and Hadrian's Wall are also shown but Hadrian's Wall seems to still be incomplete. A lovely title cartouche decorates the lower left corner and two scales of distance are shown above.

Condition: Map is in A condition with original coloring.

Inventory #18420

31 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60602 | T : 312-609-0016

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