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1746 Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legimitas Projectionis Stereiographiae Regulas... MDCCXXXXVI

1746 Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legimitas Projectionis Stereiographiae Regulas... MDCCXXXXVI

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By: Homann Heirs

Date: 1746 (dated).

Dimensions: 21 x 18.5 inches (53.35 x 47 cm).

This is a nice mid-18th century map of the Western Hemisphere with portions of Africa and Europe shown to the right. There is a wide range of geographical information worth noting in this map. Control over North America is shown to be dominated by the French in the north and Spanish to the south as this map was created just prior to the French & Indian War (1754 - 1763). The Northwest coast of America is left uncharted, leaving open the possibility of the Northwest Passage. The Great Lakes have just begun to take a much more accurate shape especially when compared to maps from the early 1700s and late 1600s.

South America has also lost the large bulge of Brazil present in most maps previous to this one. In the lower left corner of the map rests an elaborate title cartouche featuring natives with goods and riches of the land as well as indigenous flora and fauna all crowned by two erupting volcanoes.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with some minor staining confined to the margins and a few creases from previous folding.

Inventory #18385

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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