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Authentic Antique Map of the Western Hemisphere: Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per I. Danckerts By: Justus Danckert Date: 1680

1680 Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per I. Danckerts

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By: Justus Danckerts

Date: 1680

Dimensions: 23 x 19.5 inches (58.4 x 49.5 cm).

This first state of Danckerts map of the Western Hemisphere exhibits old color as it flaunts numerous geographical curiosities, including California as an island. Other significant geographic errors include the Great Lakes shown with open western coasts, mythical lakes in the Southeastern U.S. and South America, the Mississippi River mapped too far west from its true location, a complete absence of a northwestern coast line above the 40 degree line of latitude, and Buttons Bay mapped with no western coast, which supported the idea of a possible Northwest Passage.

The interior of the continents are fed with towns, villages, native tribe locations, mountains, rivers, and detailed vignettes of indigenous animals, a native village and battle scene. The oceans are decorated with 9 sailing ships and a compass rose. Finally the map is adorned with two striking cartouches featuring numerous natives, angles, animals, and riches of the land.

Condition: This map is in B condition with some color offsetting in the Atlantic, minor loss along the top neat line and a fold separation at the bottom. Both have been repaired on the verso.

Inventory #18364 

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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