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1660 Abbildung des Schwedischen und Bollischen Feldlager am Weixel, San, und Niger flus da die Schwedische noch ubrige Volcker Ein geschlossen gehalten worden gescheten im Martio Anno 1656

1660 Abbildung des Schwedischen und Bollischen Feldlager am Weixel, San, und Niger flus da die Schwedische noch ubrige Volcker Ein geschlossen gehalten worden gescheten im Martio Anno 1656

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By: Matthew Merian

Date: 1660 (circa) Frankfurt

Dimensions: 10.1 x 13.9 inches (25.7 x 35.3 cm)

This is an authentic antique map showing the Swedish invasion of a Polish encampment across the river from the town of Sandomierz. The map was published in Frankfurt by Matthaus Merian as part of Theatrum Europeaum, circa 1660.

Matthaus Merian was one of the most talented copper plate engravers of his time. This remarkable work of his depicts one of many battles between the Polish and Swedish in the mid-17th century known as the “Deluge.” During the wars the Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth lost approximately 1/3 of its population as well as its status as a great power. According to Professor Andrzej Rottermund, manager of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the destruction of Poland in the deluge was more extensive than the destruction of the country in World War II.

Condition: Map is in A condition with some tear repairs that are hardly noticeable unless the map is held to a light.

Inventory #18909
1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622
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