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Authentic Antique Map Southeast Asia: India quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes. By: Henricus Hondius   Date: 1639 (published) Amsterdam

1639 India quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes.

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By: Henricus Hondius

Date: 1639 (published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 15.5 x 19 inches (39.4 x 48.26 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of India, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, and portions of Australia and Japan by Henricus Hondius. The map was published out of Amsterdam in 1639.

This exceptionally detail map show centers on the East Indies during a time of heavy trade between European nations and the indigenous people of the lands shown. The most active was the Dutch East India Company. With such an interest in this portion of the world at the time, there was great competition between the Dutch map makers, namely the Blaeu and Hondius / Jansson companies to produce the best maps of the area.

This map shows everything that was known and most accurately speculated of the East Indies during the mid-17th century. New Guinea is show detached while at the same time a potential extension of the Western Coast of Carpentaria (Australia). Much of what was known regarding the island of Java can be seen along the northern coastline and very little detail is given to the islands just east. The map is decorates with several sailing ships, two compass roses, and includes a distance scale and two lavish cartouches.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition, a corner tear repair that does not come close to the image, some light browning / spotting and wonderful hand coloring.

Inventory #18890

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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