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1638 / 1646 Nova Totus Terrarum Orbis Grographica ac Hydrographica Tabula...

1638 / 1646 Nova Totus Terrarum Orbis Grographica ac Hydrographica Tabula...

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By: Matthaus Merian

Date: 1638 / 1646 (published)

Dimensions: 14 x 11 inches (35.5 x 28 cm)

This is a fine example of Mathaus Merian's edition of Blaeu's map of the World based on Mercator's Projection. The map features n number of geographical curiosities worth noting. In North America, the Great Lakes are not shown and the west coast is presented as an elongated mass stretching northwest to the sea of Anian. California and the Sierra Nevada mountain range are prominently noted. South America features two mythical lakes, one along the equator and the other bisecting two rivers in central Brazil.

The most southern portion of the map is dominated by the land mass labeled Magellanica which seems to include the Australian continent and New Guinea. New Zealand has yet to be mapped. North of Europe, the idea of a northeast passage to the Pacific is supported by the partially charted coastline of New Zembla. The map is decorated with four compass roses, numerous ships and sea creatures accenting the oceans and two polar projections that flank the lower corners or the map. This is an example of the 1646 edition as it lacks Matthaus Merian's signature.

Condition: Map is in A condition with clean paper, striking coloring, and full margins. There is a small area just under the compass rose in North America (within Sierra Nevada) that the paper has become thin and almost transparent when held to the light. This should not worsen within our lifetime if stored or displayed properly

Inventory #18355

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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