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Authentic Antique Map of Colonial America: Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et Virginia; By: Jan Jansson; Date: 1636 (published) Amsterdam.

1636 Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et Virginia

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By: Jan Jansson

Date: 1636 (published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 17 x 20 inches (43.2 x 50.8 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of the east coast of the North America during it's early colonial period. The map was published in Amsterdam in 1636.

This early and important map of the east coast of North America spans from the Outer Banks in present day North Carolina to Nova Scotia. The map was derived from Johannes de Laet’s 1630 map of the area, but adds a little more detail, especially further inland. Jansson’s map was highly influential mostly because of the vast distribution of the atlas with which this map was included.

The map displays early detail within Nieuw Nederland (New York), especially along the Delaware (Zuydt) and Hudson (Noordt) Rivers. The Dutch colony of N. Amsterdam (New York) is noted as well as Manbattes (Manhattan). Virginia is highly detailed with regard to the various tributaries emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. Much of the information came from Captain John Smith’s explorations of the area from 1608 – 1609. In New England, the only European settlement shown is Plymouth, and the name Massachusetts is used for only the third time.

At the headwaters of the Delaware is a large fictitious lake. Further north are three other lakes that represent early depictions of Lake Champlain, Lac des Yroquois, and Grand Lac. While Kirpinski states that Grand Lac “is the first printed complete map of Lake Superior,” Burden argues that there is no evidence to support such a theory and that Grand Lac is more likely Lake Huron.

This lovely map is embellished with two decorative cartouches, compass roses, sailing ships and sea monster.

Ref: Burden #247; Cumming (SE) #39; Karpinski, p. 26 & 31 plt. II; McCorkle #636.2.

Condition: Map is in A condition with one tiny stain just below the lower compass rose. The map presents wide margins and contemporary, hand coloring over clean, heavy paper.

Inventory #18811

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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