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1574 Asiae Nova Descriptio

1574 Asiae Nova Descriptio

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By: Abraham Ortelius

Date: 1574 (published) Antwerp 

Dimensions: 19 x 14.5 inches (48.25 x 36.83 cm)

This is an alluring hand colored example of Ortelius's map of Asia from his first modern world atlas " Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" published only in Latin. Much of the continent is dominated by Tartaria. India is presented as a rather unusual shape. Japan is severely misprojected and New Guinea is shown to be of enormous size with the possibility of being connected to Australia. The map is richly embellished with cities towns mountains rivers and lakes as it extends as far west as Asia Minor and northeastern Africa. Sailing ships in the Pacific add decorative elements to the work. On the verso, a Latin text description of Asia.

Condition: Map is in A+ condition with lavish original coloring and wide margins.

Inventory #18437

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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