1650 Aquearum instar reus ne excellas - The Tribe of Reuben
By: Thomas Fuller
Date: 1650 (Published) London
Dimensions: 11 x 13 inches (28 x 33 cm)
This striking map of the Holy Land is one of a series from the monumental opus of Thomas Fuller, an atlas entitled Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. The atlas was published in English and is often referred to as the first true Biblical atlas. Pisgah refers to Mount Pisgah, the mountain in the Bible from which Moses saw the Promised Land for the first time. This fascinating, engraved double-page map features the lands of Reuben, the first-born son of Jacob and Leah.
It was Reuben who is said to have attempted to save his brother Joseph by suggesting that his brothers throw him into a pit rather than kill him, while planning to rescue him at a later time. The brothers deceived Reuben by selling Joseph to slave traders and claiming he had been killed by a wild animal. Reuben learned the truth but maintained silence. He was cursed by his father for having slept with his father’s concubine, Bilhah, and subsequently lost his birthright as first born of Jacob.
The lands of Reuben are positioned to the south of the Tribe of Gad’s lands and to the north of the lands of the Moabites and Ammonites. Numerous biblical scenes are depicted in the map including the Israelites crossing the Jordan to Eretz Israel, and Elijah’s fiery ascent to heaven in a flaming chariot pulled by horses of fire, with his son Elisha watching on.
Moses is shown gazing down upon the Holy Land from the summit of Mount Pisgah, located to the east of Jericho, across the Jordan River in Moab territory. Nearby is the site of a cave located in Mount Nebo where Jeremiah is said to have hid the ark, a tent, and an altar of incense following which he sealed the cave, stating that its entrance would be unknown until God had gathered his people.
Other biblical vignettes include someone being baptized in the Jordan River, the armies of Joab and Amishai gathered to fight against the Arameans and Ammonites, and a detailed depiction of a portion of the city of Jericho will walls yet intact. The landscape features many mountains with cities built on them, a large forested area, and a grape vine heavily weighted with grapes.
The map is embellished with the coat of arms of Paulus Pindar, a financier of Fuller’s works, along with a dedication to him. A circular title cartouche with Reuben’s name is featured to the west of the Jordan River. A small cartouche at the eastern border of the map features the symbol of the Tribe of Reuben, a mandrake plant held by Reuben. A decorative distance legend in the lower right features a cherub with a compass in hand marking distances.
Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) was an English historian, clergyman, and writer who produced many works in addition to his Biblical atlas entitled Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament acted thereon, including The Church -History of Britain (1655) and Worthies of England (1662).
His works are known for their use of original sources and antiquarian information. The Church-History of Britain included the first detailed account of the decades before the civil wars. Worthies of England was the first biographical dictionary in English and included a catalog of the notable features of every county in England.
Fuller was a prolific author and one of the first English writers to earn a living from his writing. He was a chaplain to the Royalist army during the fighting, and later became a friend of Izaak Walton, another leading biographer.
Condition: This map is in B+ condition. Printer’s crease slightly enters image on left side. Some chipping on right edge, and a minor separation. Dark toning around edges of map.
Inventory #12939
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