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Mid-Century Pictorial Map of Michigan - Art Deco Style

1940 Michigan

Regular price $ 450.00

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By: Michigan Department of Public Instruction

Date: 1940 (published) Lansing, Michigan

Dimensions: 20.25 x 21 inches (51.5 x 53.3 cm)

This is a spectacular pictorial map of Michigan rendered in a vivid art-deco style, highlights the history, culture, industry, agriculture, and tourist opportunities of the state of Michigan. This unique vintage map was produced on behalf of the Michigan Department of Public Instruction in an aim to entice future travelers to Michigan for a summer getaway.

The map bursts with illustrations within and surrounding the state. Just above the state seal, an arched rainbow covers what would be Wisconsin with a view of the western hemisphere where the sun shines down on Michigan. Just below, a lovely scene of a lighthouse settled within a lakeshore bluff provides the backdrop for a young couple about to embark on a sailing excursion. History plays an important role in this map as old Fort Detroit appears in the top right corner with French, British, and American flags and a portrait of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac who in 1701 founded the site that would later become Detroit. 

Within the map, numerous clusters of buildings denote the locations of important towns and cities while subtle illustrations such as cherries, grapes, cars, and trees signify that variety of agriculture and industry the each place is known for. Just within the Canadian border a note boasts that "Michigan builds 90% of U.S. Cars," a fact that harkens back to the glory days of the automobile industry which earned Detroit the nickname "Motor City." On the verso of this map is text and images educating one on the state flag, flower, capitol, seal, and vacation opportunities among other topics.

Condition: Map is in A+ condition with vivid color on clean paper with full, crisp margins on all sides.

Inventory #12649

1200 W. 35th St. #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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