1836 Allgemeine Post-Reise & Zoll-Karte von Deutschland Und Den Nachbarstaaten
By: Carl Glaser
Date: 1836 (published) Darmstadt
Dimensions: 33.5 x 36 inches (85 x 91.4 cm)
This magnificent linen-backed large-size folding map covers vast territories in Europe from as far north as Copenhagen and Konigsberg to as far south as the Gulf of Venice and the Adriatic Sea. In the west it starts just west of Paris, includes a partial coastline of eastern England and extends across the continent to eastern Europe. The map is highly detailed, depicting all major cities as well as towns, villages and fortifications, along with political boundaries, and all major river systems. Portions of the Baltic, North and Adriatic Seas are included.
The map has original outline coloring and features an inset in the lower left quadrant which includes a color-coded chart and a legend describing the various symbols in the map. The various kinds of stations depicted are designated not only on land but also on water, some are noted as extra, and some designate where horses were available.
Stagecoach routes are specified as either Express or Ordinary. Express routes connect both major cities and smaller ones. Some of the longer express routes include Berlin to Danzig and on to Konigsberg, from Hannover to a small town in Denmark, from Vienna to Trieste, and from Innsbruck to Venice, to name a few.
It is interesting to follow these routes, noting the distance between stations. Many of those journeys would have been long, lonely and dangerous. An inset in the lower right corner provides an enlarged view of the region near the city of Konigsberg, with territories both inland and along the Baltic coast. Text affixed to the outer side of the linen provides the sources for materials used in making the map. The map offers a fascinating and detailed view of a large area of early 19th century Europe.
Condition: This antique folding map is in A condition, backed with original linen with vibrant outline hand color and very little soiling in a few places that does not distract from the overall image.
Inventory #12609
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