1741 Carte Reduite Du Detroit De Davids
Carte Reduite Du Detroit de Davids Faite au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine Par ordre de M. Le Duc de Choiseul Colon General des Suisses et Grisons, Ministre de la Guerre et de la Marine... M DCC LXV
By: Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Date: 1765 (dated) Paris
Dimensions: 21.5 x 34.25 inches (54.6 x 87 cm)
This is a fine nautical chart of the David Strait located between the west coast of Greenland and Baffin Island, Nunavut Canada. The map was published by Jacques Nicolas Bellin out of Paris, France during the mid 18th century, when industrial whaling was hitting its peak. A note in a separate cartouche at lower left indicates (in French) that this map was used for the purpose of whaling and is derived from a Dutch map of Captain Laurent Feykes, which was published by Gerard Vankeulen in 1719 and used in 1751.
Condition: This map is in excellent condition with lovely hand coloring over a strong plate impression on thick handmade paper. A few short tears exist in the margins, but none come close to the map image.
Inventory #12405
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