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Historical Map of Early Colorado With Portraits of Distinguished Leaders and Portrayals of Historic Events, Frontier Forts, and Pioneer, Trails  By: C.W. Love, 1949

1949 Historical Map of Early Colorado...

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Historical Map of Early Colorado With Portraits of Distinguished Leaders and Portrayals of Historic Events, Frontier Forts, and Pioneer, Trails

By: C.W. Love

Date: 1949 (dated) Denver, CO

Dimensions: 18.5 x 22.75 inches (47 x 57.8 cm)

This vintage pictorial map of Colorado offers a wealth of history through artistic vignettes and useful notations. As the title suggests, the map educates the viewer on distinguished leaders, historic events, and important forts and trails of Colorado. 

As a state that is half high-prairie and half mountainous terrain, the topography and hydrology of the state is beautifully rendered. From end on end, an expansive network of pioneers trails is laid out in detail that distinguished each route from another. The routes of Zebulon Pike, John C. Freemont, John Williams Gunnison, Stephen H. Long, and Juan Bautista de Anza are delineated in a distinguishable fashion. Other well-used trails such as that of the Cherokee, Trapper's Trail, Santa Fe Trail, and the Overland Stage are also included.

Surrounding the map are portraits and vignettes of figures and events of great importance to the history of Colorado. Such portraits include that of William Gilpin, the first Governor of the Colorado Territory and eccentric proponent of Manifest Destiny, Chief Ouray of the great Ute nation, and General Stephen W. Kearny who led a most successful military invasion into what was once Mexican territory. Some of the scenes represented in the surrounding border include the discovery of Gold in Gregory Gulch and Cherry Creek, the death of Comanche Chief Cuerno Verde, and the arrival of the first passenger train into Denver in 1870.  

The information for this map was compiled, prepared and ultimately published by the State Historical Society of Colorado, which was established in 1879 and is presently headquartered in Denver. The map itself was drawn by C.W. Love.

Condition: This map is in A condition with bright color on clean paper, full margin on all sides, and no tears or holes.

Inventory #11900

1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 | P: (312) 496 - 3622

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