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Antique Map of Iceland: Novissima Islandiae Tabula By: Pitt & Swart, 1680

1680 Novissima Islandiae Tabula

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By: Moses Pitt and Stephani Swart 

Date: 1680 (circa) London

Dimensions: 14.75  x 19 inches (37.47  x 48.3 cm)

This map of Iceland is based on a classic in the history of mapmaking, the renowned Ortelius map of 1585, which was the first relatively accurate map of Iceland. The information for Ortelius’ map was taken from indigenous Icelandic sources and we see in this map of one hundred years later that geographically, little has changed in the representation of the island.

Iceland is depicted in minute detail with all geophysical features and place names noted. This includes mountains and volcanoes, with Mount Hekla depicted in eruption, flames shooting into the sky. Rivers and fiords are noted. Interesting notes can be found in Latin which include two springs known to change white wool black and black wool white (located in the southwest portion of the island), and a notation of a 'shape shifting serpent that terrorizes the locals' found in a long inlet bay of the eastern coast.

This version of the map is less decorative than that of Ortelius, but still includes a lovely title cartouche, a decorative distance legend, and two compass roses.

Condition: This map is in B+ condition with four small pin holes that are unnoticeable unless held to the light. The map presents a strong, dark impression on clean, bright paper with full margins on all sides. 

Inventory #11476

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