1778 Taylor and Skinner’s Maps of the Roads of Ireland, Surveyed 1777.
By: George Taylor and Andrew Skinner
Date: 1778 (published) London
Dimensions: 4.5 x 8.25 inches (11.4 x 21 cm)
This marvelous group of 18th century road maps throughout Ireland, with specific routes between major cities and towns. Maps are on both recto and verso of each page, with two to four maps on each page, with headings describing the starting point and destination, such as “From Dublin to Ballycastle”, or “Road from Dublin to Ballyshannon, Donegall, & Killybeggs”.
Each map is highly detailed topographically and beautifully hand colored with a simple but elegant compass rose. Bodies of water, rivers and streams are delineated, and all place names included. Relief is shown by hachures.
These maps were an important accomplishment of their day with regards to Ireland and its roadways and byways of the 18th century. The original tome contained 288 maps of Irish roads showing mileages, castles, gentlemen's seats, churches, hills, rivers, bridges, coast and lakes. Noblemen are ranked alphabetically. Gentlemen are classed in the counties where they reside. The work was dedicated to the right Honourable Edmond Sexten Pery, Speaker of the House of Commons, an important politician in 18th century Ireland whose family was politically influential.
Inventory #11892
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