1935 Mississippi
By: Ruth Taylor White
Date: 1935 published Boston
Dimensions: 12.5 x 9.25 inches (23 x 31 cm)
This agricultural state offers numerous products, such as pecans, cotton, shrimp, corn, soy beans, sugar cane, cabbage, and dairy items. The people depicted in this 1935 version show the stereotypical characters for that time. The song "Ole Man River" is mentioned in the Mississippi River, as is a Turpentine Still, in the lower right. It's whimsical, yet informative. The vignette beneath the title shows a native riding a raft. This is a bright colored map on clean paper and full margins.
Note: Image of map description is not on the verso of this map.
Condition: A condition, except for a very minor tear in the upper right hand corner.
1200 W. 35th Street #425 Chicago, IL 60609 (312) 496-3622