1719 Le Royaume de Siam avec les Raoyaumes qui luy sont Tributaires et les Isles de Sumatra Andemaon…
By: Henri Jacques Chatelain
Date: 1719 (Published) Amsterdam
Dimensions: 15 x 17 inches (38 cm x 43.2 cm)
This is one of the beautiful and striking hand-colored examples of Chatelaine’s works which shows his significant talent as a cartographer, but lacking the usual descriptions which often border his images. This gorgeous map features Southeast Asia and includes Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Malay Peninsula and the Gulf of Bengalin the north, to Java and Sumatra in the south. The map is centered on Malacca and Borneo.
Chatelain depicts even small islands, sea routes, shoals and other places which might threaten the safety of voyagers at sea.
Condition: This map is in A condition.
Inventory #19698
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